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7 Tips to Help You TO Draw!

7 Tips to Help You TO Draw!

Just like everything else in life drawing is a skill that is learnt; some learn faster and natural than others; while as others learn slow.

Here are some tips I learnt through experience and other inspiring artists

1. Geometrically break down and draw your object. Whatever you are drawing 10/10 it can be broken down into a geometric shape. Practice simplifying any object you drawing into geometric shape then outline the geometric shapes you have drawn to match the object you are attempting to draw.

2. Never over complicate the use of simplicity. When most people draw especially me when I began drawing, I used to overcomplicate things trying to aim for perfection. Sometimes we become anxious if our drawings are good enough, if they look like theirs or like this. Don´t worry yourself because all that will do is, make you negative and if not put away from your mentality, you will give up or aim low or take shortcuts which will damage you in the longer run. Look at some speed paintings; from afar they can look very realistic and detailed but close up, its quick brush strokes just illustrate what is there. Instead of beating around the brush, they draw or paint straight to the point.

3. Know your level and work up. Yes you are new, yes you are terrible at drawing certain images etc. but that does not mean you cannot IMRPOVE! You are at a level and how did you get to that level? You can do better, YOU ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE! The difference is will you face it even if it means a sacrifice you may not like or be accustomed to.

4. Observe. Become of observant. Why do certain shapes look a certain way in a certain perspective, why are some surfaces more reflective than others and reflect differently to other surfaces? Look at how a shadow is cast and the colour of the shadow; look at the clouds, their formation and the various colours of them. This practice will help to free your mind from overcomplicating the way you visual and draw but also help to, understand the natural ways of things. Beside art is based on what you have saw and not imaginary, especially if you want something to look authentic and realistic; to make sense the viewers mind.

5. Study and Practice. Knowing a human skeleton structure can make the difference even in the stick of a drawing never mind the actual final render. So it is always good to learn new practices that WILL HELP DEVELOP your level and FURTHER you UNDERSTANDING. Some things you may not get straight away; Study and practice regardless and move on to something to different and come back to it later and you will see, how much more you understand.

6. Pay attention to detail. Don’t expect everybody to explain every last point to you. YOU have a mind, YOU have to get the understanding and once obtained, implement that understanding; thus you will become great in experience. You will find sometimes you try to rush without paying to attention to the correct detail and sometimes you will find that you are being a too cautious to every detail; it´s all about the balance, don´t overdo it.

7. Understand what you are drawing. Most people don’t understand what they are drawing so they fill in the blanks for what they BELIEVE is correct for the missing understanding. Then once the product comes out weak and the results not promising, they frustrate themselves or beat themselves down. Understand what you draw, whether that’s from how the light enters the room and cast certain shadows which vary in softness, shapes and sizes in that particular room or whether it´s illustrating a tree and placing the leaves with their correct lighting in order for that flat colour not to look flat but, full. Whatever you have learnt make sure you understand because that understanding, is your foundation or root to how well you will draw. So make sure you can make sense of and have a correct reasoning to your method on how to draw a particular object. For example; the top eye lid when as I draw it will curve up around and over the sphere to indicate that the eye is not flat but also, it is a female eye and I want her to have a youthful innocent character.

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